The past year and the last couple months especially, I've struggled to hold a pencil or type. Even as I write this, I can feel my fingers become heavy as my condition sets in: Senioritis. With grades not relevant anymore, it can be so easy to disregard classwork in favor of other distractions, and the pull becomes stronger the closer we get to the end of the year. For most of us, our grades are as good as locked in and we won't be taking the final, so after 12 years of studying it can be so hard to keep pushing when it doesn't matter anymore. Every day feels defined by 11:59, with work being finished in record times as the hour approaches. To simulate the experience of senioritis (as I would absolutely never actually do anything remotely like it) I chose to wait until the night before the blog is due to get to writing.
10:20 - "Free choice blog? I wonder what I'll write about."
10:25 - "Maybe I'll talk about college, but that's been done before. Maybe the gym, but that's too predictable."
10:27 - "Wow, senioritis is really setting in I should've done this earlier."
10:32 - "What if I just write about senioritis?"
10:45 - ""
In all seriousness, senioritis is almost bittersweet; sure it means us seniors disregard homework on occasion, but it also is a reminder of how soon our lives will change entirely. Homework will still exist, but no more in class worksheets, no overly-competitive Kahoots with fun prizes, and most of all, no more shoving up the staircase trying to escape the stampede of students (though I'm sure I'll get over my immense sadness for leaving behind the last one). The past years have had stressful late nights studying for AP chem as well as fun memories with friends at lunch, but it'll all be a closed chapter in just a month. After one more visit to, I see that I've gone above and beyond, and who knows how much higher the number gets as I type my closing thoughts.
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