Every time I open a comment section on social media, I see at least one saying that really pushes my buttons. Whether it be "No❤️", or "Um child anyways", the overused sayings just get funnier and funnier every time I read them. Using one of these or any of the other sayings popular on TikTok ruins a conversation, just how having a wet sock ruins the rest of your day. Almost never do they add anything to a conversation (unless said conversation is discussing how annoying the sayings are), and they only serve to get on my nerves. The sayings often serve as a weak excuse of a comeback, and ruin any sort of friendly roasts. The worst part of these sayings? They absolutely refuse to die. Every time it seems as if they fade away, a new surge of No❤️ begins bringing with it a resurgence of my annoyance towards it. After looking at Google Trends for activity in the sayings, I came to the unfortunate conclusion that these sad excuses for comebacks are in no risk of dying out. If we continue to let this trend go on, future generations will also have to suffer, so we must band together to put an end to them once and for all. If you see any friends using these terms, have an intervention and get them the professional help they need, before things spiral out of control. By actively stopping these sayings from being used, normal conversations can be saved, and the world will be better for it.
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