The Nature Of Judgements
`When playing games with a couple of my friends, I found myself judging their skill at the game. "Wow, they're so bad" I thought to myself. At the time, we were playing as a group, and began to lose the game we were playing. I have a pretty competitive mindset, so when the tides turned against us I began to analyze what the possible culprit of the loss could be. Rather than focusing on what I could do to improve, I blamed my teammates, a common pitfall in all group sports or activities. We as people are quick to push the blame away from ourselves, even if it clearly could've been our own fault. We make judgements on a day to day basis, be it in a game or on the road, but regardless of the medium, excuses as to why we aren't to blame always exist. "Well, he should've seen me coming!" could be a common excuse if you cut someone off on the road. Making judgements of others doesn't diminish who we are as people, but it is important to focus introspectively and realize the fault in ourselves. The first step in becoming a better person as a whole is acknowledging the areas you have yet to improve on, and passing less judgement on others, such as when my friends and I began to lose, is something that we can all work to improve.
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